I finally, finally got my lululemon seawheeze half marathon shorts this week. Apparently lululemon shipped them using fedex, who attempted delivery way back on May 23rd but neglected to leave a delivery notice card. Unfortunately, I couldn't complain until June 15th (according to the seawheeze website). After changing my address to my work address, I finally received them. I haven't seen any detailed posts about the shorts, so I thought I'd share a few pictures.
Here's the front:
Here's the back:
As you can kind of see, they retail for $54.00, which sort of justifies the $128 half marathon registration fee. Although the pattern is a bit childish, I think it's cute.
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned on any blogs is the adorable images on the inside of the waistband. My camera is really old, but I did my best to capture some of the pictures.
They're cute little pictures of trees, bridges, runners, and the seawheeze logo. Nice touch, Lululemon!
Here's a few photos of the shorts on, because it's not nearly as fun to see the shorts on a table.
The shorts are much shorter than something I would normally wear on a run. Also, I think they make me look hippier than I actually am. That being said, they were "free", so I'm not going to complain too much. In the photos, I'm wearing the Push UR Limits tank and a pink pirouette headband. If you don't have a pirouette headband and have long hair like myself, go buy one! They're amazing for runs, because they don't move around and keep your hair in check.
Well, I am off to pick up my run package for the Scotiabank Half Marathon tomorrow morning. I ran 20.65 km two Sundays ago in under 2 hours and felt great. Hopefully that means my finishing time will be much shorter than my prediction of 2 hours 30 minutes. This is my first half marathon, so I'm really nervous, but excited at the same time.
Is anyone else out there running the Lululemon Seawheeze Half Marathon?