
About Me

My name is Martina.  I am a 20-something chemist who enjoys fashion, celebrity gossip, yoga, running, and a good book.  I decided to start this blog for two reasons.  The first reason is because in all honesty I am not the most confident person, and having a blog is the best place where I can openly share my opinions.  The second reason is because I spend an incredible amount of time on my laptop reading other blogs and websites, so it was about time I started my own blog.


I was born and raised in Fort McMurray, AB in Canada, which is a small northern town that is known for its oil production.  It doesn't have a lot of options in terms of shopping (I can remember when Wal Mart opened there when I was 10) but the city is surrounded by lots of trees and the northern lights are gorgeous in the winter.  One of the drawbacks of living there is the weather.  It can get down to -50°C in the winter.  Even with these temperatures, I have never experienced a snow day (if you can believe that).

As soon as I graduated from high school, I decided to go to the University of Alberta in Edmonton, AB.  I completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry (with first class honors) in 2010. 

Wearing my convocation gown.  
During my third year, I met my boyfriend through my grad student supervisor.  We were dating for eight months when he finished his PhD and accepted a Postdoc position at UC Berkeley.  He moved to California at the beginning of my fourth year.  I stayed in Edmonton and finished my degree.  We did the long distance thing for eight months until my degree was finished.  Long distance isn't easy, but with Skype we were able to do it and we are proof that long distance love can work.  I moved to California in April 2010 and have been working as a research assistant in a chemistry lab. 

I will be attending the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC in Canada in order to get my Masters in Chemistry starting in September 2011.

Why did I get a degree in chemistry?  

In high school, I originally wanted to work in the health care industry.  I got a job in a pharmacy during my grade 12 year, but after a few months I decided that job (and being a pharmacist) was not the right fit for me.  I also interned in an emergency room, family health clinic, and health promotion office during high school, but none of those positions felt like something I could do for the rest of my life.  One thing I was always interested in was cosmetics.  My mom is a make-up artist by trade, and got me interested in make-up from an early age.  I never wanted to become a make-up artist, but I was interested in why one beauty product was better than another and how cosmetics were made.  In order to work with cosmetics in the future, I did some research and realized that I needed a chemistry degree to do so.  Once I started my degree, I knew I was in the right field.  I tried out a few different research labs, and now my specialty is in bioanalytical chemistry.

My Interests

I am an avid reader.  I always have a book on the go.  I normally read fiction novels, but I'll switch to books penned by celebrities when I want a light read.  My parents are both avid readers, so I'm sure that's where I get it from.  My mom has always given me fashion magazines to read, and that is where my fashion interest began.  I enjoy reading Glamour, Cosmopolitan, and Vogue. 

I am addicted to Lululemon.  I bought my first remix hoodie and pair of yoga pants in 2007, and ever since I have been hooked.  The addiction intensified in 2008 when I joined a yoga class that was hosted in my apartment building.  Currently, I own over 40 lululemon items.  I can honestly say I have worn every item many times, so at least I’m not spending money on something that just sits in my closet.  I'm sure my lululemon collection will continue to grow with time, especially when I will be living in the same city as the Lululemon Lab.

I am actively working on my fitness, and my goal is to be able to run a 10K race next year.  I got serious about my fitness a year ago, and I make a strong effort to attend a yoga class and go for a run outside every week (running on a treadmill doesn’t even compare).  Ideally I would like to work out 5 times/week, but I will admit that goal does not always happen.

I hope you enjoy my blog.  You can also follow me on twitter (@sparklicacid).