
Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Have Exciting News!

My life has been a whirlwind of exciting news at the moment.  First, my boyfriend has found a great job in Vancouver!  Second, it starts at the beginning of July, so that means we will be moving back to Canada at the end of the month, which is much sooner than we thought.  This has made the past few days a whirlwind of giving 30 days notice to everyone, planning the move, and looking for places in Vancouver.  I have also requested an early start for my master's. 

Coupled with all of this excitement, I am leaving for Montreal tomorrow morning for the Canadian Society for Chemistry conference.  I will be sure to document my conference outfits throughout the week, since that is my most popular blog post by far.  I'm really looking forward to meeting up with friends and old colleagues, and visiting a city (and province) I've never been to before.

I also got my hair cut today for the first time in six months.  I've been keeping my hair long for at least 2 years, and I decided to get it cut shorter because my hair is abnormally thick and takes forever to dry.  It also gets that annoying curl near the bottom that I'm not a fan of.

Hair length before.
New haircut!
I'm really happy with the result.  It's too short to wear in a ponytail right now, but I'm going to be rocking headbands and flat ironed hair anyways for the next week, so it's really not a big deal.

Hopefully I'll get back to blogging regularly after this trip! 

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